Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Baby Brother is 21!

It's so hard to believe that my youngest brother, Matthew is 21! I can still vividly remember the day he was born. I was just 3 days shy of turning 30, which was traumatic enough ~ but having a newborn baby brother was just surreal. I was at the hospital and actually in Patty's room up until she started pushing ~ my cue to exit stage left. Not that I'm squeamish about these things, but I understand when there is a time for privacy. But I digress… Not only is he my baby brother, but he is also my godson. He's an amazing young man, a talented musician, and he is going to make an outstanding teacher in a few years. He has a band called "Another Day in December," and you can check them out here.
In any case… Happy Birthday Matt!!!

I'll love you always! Sissy Barbara
So, how was your day?

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