Did I ever tell you about the time my "little" Jennifer killed an old lady? This story takes place many many years ago. I guess Jen was about 8 at the time. We were invited to eat dinner at my mother-in-law's house along with Richard, his aunt (who was probably in her late 70's at the time) and one of his aunt's friends named Claire. Now Jen has always had problems sitting in chairs. She was never a figitty child but more times than not ~ she'd be sitting there, quietly eating, and then she'd be gone ~ on the floor. She doesn't do that anymore although she still has trouble walking! Anyway... my darling mother in law made the mistake of having Jen sitting on a chair that doubles as a stool ~ you know the kind that the "seat" flips over and it becomes a step stool? Well, Jen was sitting, quietly eating her dinner and BAM! She flies over the chair and in the process KICKS poor Claire square in the face. We all recover and dinner goes on as planned. No harm, no foul, right? About 6 months pass and my mother in law calls with some sad news... Aunt Florences' friend Claire has passed away. I actually don't remember what she died from ~ an illness of some sort I'm sure.... anyway... Jen, hearing me give condolences to my mother in law, asks what happened and here's what came out...scarring her for life....
You remember Claire, the old woman that you kicked in the face? Well NOW SHE'S DEAD!
There was a moment when Jen was horrified and believe me, I've brought it up many many times over the years.. the poor old woman that Jen kicked in the face and then she died. The end!

bwahaha. That's funny. But poor Jen! :)
Note to self: Don't ever make this mistake!
I think Jen turned out fine anyway!
heh heh
That's too funny. I would've reminded her about it over and over again, too. :)
That's a funny story! I'm sure it wasn't funny to Jen when it happened but it's something to laugh at now!
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