Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is it just me?

I get what I call weather headaches. It seems like whenever there is a big change in the atmosphere ~ I get something very close to a migraine. It's the whole sensitivity to light, sound, smell, etc. Not quite as bad as the full blown migraines I get from say, eating something with MSG in it ~ but enough to knock me on my butt for a while. Does anyone else get these? Doctors tend to "poo poo" this idea ~ that the weather can cause headaches but I know better. When both Alex and I lived in Raleigh we would always get them at the same time. Her doctors told her she was nuts also. In any case I woke up with one today. Not a good day to have one of those ~ lots to do today and tonight is the ice cream social at school ~ which not only do I have to attend, I will be selling t-shirts for the PTO. Hopefully it'll be gone by then.
I shouldn't complain really... I just found out that one of my friends had to have her gall bladder removed quite unexpectedly. If she's reading this.. I'm wishing her a speedy recovery so she can come over and hang out in the pool and maybe even sew a bit!
Well since I hate a post without pictures... here's one from the archives and I can promise you.. it'll be the only one you ever see of me in a bikini!


Lisa said...

cute photo! hope the headache is gone soon!

Monnik said...

headaches are the worst. I get them a lot, usually stress or hormone related, though. hope yours gets better.

and i love the photo!

Sandra :) said...

Hawt ginger bikini babe, woooooohoooooooooo!!!!!!! Sweet, lol!

I hope you feel better soon, and good luck at the social tonight :) An ice-cream headache would be far better than a weather headache! ;)

Regina said...

doctors are idiots sometimes... - I get these, too (have one right now in fact... and I am at work...)

Hope we are BOTH feeling better soon!!! Love the bikini!

Anonymous said...

That was good ice cream Mommie! I love
you Mommie. love

Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell you that I hope you
get better Mommie love Julz
p.s.Cute bikini Mommie!

Miss Healthypants said...

I totally get those weather headaches, too.

As usual, doctors don't know what they're talking about. :)

Anonymous said...

Barb, I've had a "weather headache" for a few days now. DH says "but there's no storm". Well, there WILL BE soon, I can feel it! I agree with another poster, ice cream headaches are much better than weather headaches.