Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our winning streak has ended

Saturday's soccer game ended our winning streak. We lost 4 to 1. The kids all took it really well and in all fairness they played really really well. The other team was a bit of a ringer team. DSC03802 It's apparently a private school that practices 2 hrs a day every day (we practice for an hour and a half, twice a week). They have the same kids on the team each year (our league switches them around) and I guarantee some of those kids were 12 (our team is composed of 10/11 yr olds). DSC03820 I have to say right here and now how much I love our coach. He's a great guy and so good with the kids. He's tough but fair. Makes them work hard but doesn't overdo it and I made sure to tell him last night at practice how much I appreciate him. The coach from the team on Saturday was ... well.. let's just say if he had been our coach, my son would not be playing soccer. He was loud, rude, obnoxious and really mean. He screamed at his team and the refs the entire game. Those kids played as well as they did out of fear! Apparently if they lose they are made to run ~ A LOT. We do not get punished for losing and our coach, while he may get frustrated at times, never ever yells at the kids.
Their parents weren't much better. One mom in particular screamed so much the entire game I wanted to duct tape her mouth shut. She had a daughter on the team and the girl was good, I'll give her that but the mom was encouraging her to foul the other players. She also had a few choice words for the refs and yelled mean things to our kids. We fortunately have some really great supportive parents on our team and we cheer for all the kids.
I almost missed this shot DSC03809 I wish I had gotten a better shot but he and another team mate semi collided, knocking them both to the ground and one of the other team members tripped over them and fell as well. We got called on the foul though.
I'd like to get a better shot of this as well... DSC03792 Whenever the other team gets a "free kick" our team lines up to block the shot.. well we don't use cups so our blockers all line up and protect themselves as best they can. It's always funny to see.
After the game Richard (with Julianne as helper) got concession stand duty. DSC03825 Julianne loved it and wants to do it every Saturday. Nate and I went home, picked up his rip stick and he practiced in the skate park. It wasn't too hot on Saturday so we were all pretty comfortable. As a matter of fact we really only went in the pool after the game for a short time cause it was a bit chilly.
I've been busy sewing for a special project that I'm not ready to announce yet ~ but hopefully will be able to soon. The only hint I'll give you is that Richard is actually helping me with this!
Regina has posted the next step to her quilt along so I'm off to the sewing room to catch up.

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