Of course I had to make a tissue cover and wonder wallet to match. I'm hoping to uncover my crystals soon and put a little bit of "bling" on it too. I went yesterday to the quilt shop I'll be working at and picked up some brand new christmas fabrics and the new christmas book "12 Days of Christmas" by Art to Heart. This link should take you to the book and the fabrics. I'll be working on a couple of samples from the book and of course, you all will be the first to see them. They are a little more country than I'm used to be really nice just the same. Since I'll probably be making more than one of each project you all may just see some under the tree ~ so let me know what you think.

Ohh La La - I LOVE that fabric!!! Can't wait to see it all blinged out WITH THE DRESS!!!
Very cute! My daughter still uses the wallet you made me.
It looks wonderful now--can't imagine how fab it will be with some sparkle on it too!
Ooooo! I love the purse! That dragonfly print is fabulous! Love it!
Fantastic fabric - you MUST post a picture of the dress AND the accessories! Please??!! *puppy dog eyes* :)
That's really cute. Would you mind making me one of those purses for my graduation dress? I'll send you a picture of it. (No tissue holder or wallet necessary!)
Love, me
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