Sunday, July 20, 2008

They must have been GIANTS

Don't get me wrong, I love my new kitchen... BUT whoever built it must have been really really tall. The bottom shelves of the cabinets are just in my reach and then they go up from there! DSC03382
I have lots of room it was just way up there where I couldn't reach it so... I put all the stuff from the boxes on the counters and opened all the cabinets and called Richard in to help. We evaluated all the stuff and figured out the stuff I use least and put it way up high. DSC03383 Even he had a hard time getting stuff up over the fridge and he's 6'4". Oh well.. it'll work for now and I guess if I ever have to bake anything it'll just have to be when he's home to get the stuff down for me!


Karen said... cabinets are very similarly tall...and I am not...BUT I still have a 16yo at home who is already 6"1" I won't have to remodel for 3 years....

Julie H said...

2 words for you. Step stool. My husband is 6'6" and hung our "temporary" (like 15 years and counting) cabinets. I can only reach the bottom shelf and kind of the 2nd edge. Wooden spoons work great for pushing stuff out too when you are too lazy to get the step stool lol.

I, Robot said...

Actually, I'm only 6' 2".

Maybe Barbara is adding in a couple of inches for the hair I used to have?


Miss Healthypants said...

You have so much more cabinet space than me--I'm jealous. (Even though the cabinets are so high up! :) )

Colleen said...

I have the same problem in my kitchen! I can reach the bottom two shelves, but the top two are beyond my reach. Thank goodness my hubby is a foot taller than me!

jillytacy said...

You need one of those vintage step stool chairs so you can climb up to get what you need.