Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Honey!!!

Today is my Honey's birthday! He has been such an amazing husband and still my very best friend. I could never have imagined still being this much in love after all these years but I just can't help myself. Here are a couple of pics of him through the years...




He's just the best dad I could ask for with the kids and a partner in every way possible. He spoils me rotten and indulges me in my sewing and flamingos and tinkerbells. Who could ask for more, really!

For his birthday I am taking him (and the kids) kayaking. He really doesn't want "stuff" and this is something he's always wanted to do. I think he'll be surprised!


I, Robot said...

Thanks, love: it was a wonderful day, and I love you very, very much.

Miss Healthypants said...

Happy Birthday, Barb's hubby!! *smiles* I've noticed that truly lovely people were born on May
29th. *hee hee*