I saw something similar to this bag in a magazine and it has been rolling around in my wee little brain ever since. I had quite a bit of fabric left over from my dining room decor and so I used it to make this.

It's a zippered pouch with a pocket. The finished size is just over 11" x 14" and so it fits papers & folders nicely. Not sure how much use I'll get out of it but I do sometimes transport papers from place to place and I'm sure I'll figure something out.

But in any case I absolutely love it! It has peltex in the pocket to keep it ultra stiff and batting in the back for softness and I added the handle just cause I wanted to. So what do ya think?
I've been thinking about Angie a lot lately ~ she LOVED all things froggie so here is one of her frogs we brought back home from her place after the funeral.

Isn't it too cute?
love the bag! it is beautiful!
Cute purse!
It's nice to have things around the house that remind you of a love one you have lost. Although it still makes you kind of sad to think that they are gone, it also brings back nice memories too.
the bag is adorable! But then ALL of your things are.
I love Angie's frogs. I'm glad her things can decorate your home - visual reminders of her will keep her memory fresh. The green frog on the right looks like she has breasts. Makes it even cuter! :)
The bag turned out great! It's funny when you see something and feel inspired to create something. It's even better when it turns out! I've had a few flops before but I get so excited when it turns out.
It's so nice that you were able to take some of Angie's frogs! They are very cute and sure to make you smile and think of her when you see them.
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