Today we decided we'd have a "no sweat" day. No unpacking ~ no yardwork.... so, we slept in late... went for a swim

... made a dinner of soup and sandwiches and then went for a nice long walk. We walked down to the kids new school ~ This is actually the lobby

and then on to the neighborhood park where the kids slid and swung and ran to their hearts content.

and Nate found a new friend

Now I think I will unpack a few boxes. Tomorrow we do some yard work and then jump in the pool. We are even gonna break out the grill for steak and veggie kabobs.
I'll leave you with a video of Sadie and the kids at the pool. She gets very upset when they jump in the pool. She even tries to stop then and then makes sure they come up alright.
Too funny! I had a dog that hated water but he'd jump in to "save me".
My Grandma had a dog named Sadie when I was a kid.
What a cool park and school lobby!
What a good doggie, worrying about her kids!! She's making sure they're Ok that's sweet. All that jumping and splashing has got to make her crazy!!!
Poor Sadie, I hope she gets used to the kids in the pool before giving herself a heart attack. Glad you're also enjoying the pool. Hope you had a lime with your Corona he-he. I do miss those since I found out I have Diabetes but have one about every 6 months. So glad y'all are enjoying the new home. Sorry to hear the kids had to chance schools. Was hoping they didn't have to. Sorry about the Scorpion. Glad we don't have those up here. Take care, love ya!!
I love that video! Just watched it and my own dog started barking. Too cute!
Hey, I found your blog through your comment on Buck's blog
This sure sounded like the perfect day! And that dog video was sooo funny and precious! Thanks for putting a smile into my day! *smiles*
That sounds like a great day. Enjoy the pool time.... Too cute that the doggie does that, she is a great watchdog for the kids.
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