Sunday, March 14, 2010

What was I thinking???

So in between the craziness of Jen's shower in Ft. Lauderdale and Jen's shower in Jacksonville, Julianne turned 11! She really didn't want much for her birthday except a Facebook account and a sleepover. So we squeezed in a sleepover for 12 OF HER CLOSEST FRIENDS!

Fortunately, not all of them showed up but 10 did. There is no way I could ever describe to you how unbelievably loud it was in my house that night.

We ordered in pizzas, we played "twister", we sang karaoke, we played Freeze Dance and Simon Says. We did not sleep! Well, I tried to sleep. I went into my room about 1:30 AM only to be awakened at 3:00 AM by the girls who thought they saw someone outside (it was a tree!) but they were so wired AGAIN they asked me to stay up with them.

I did catch a bit of sleep sitting up in the chair! In the morning, it was French toast for 13 and by noon they were gone and all was quiet in my world again.

They did have a blast which is good cause I've learned my lesson with this one!

Here is Karaoke DSC08300
And Freeze Dance DSC08294
Giant Cookie Cake DSC08275
Twister competition DSC08256
And goodie bags DSC08231 DSC08229

These are the Maggie Bags from Lazy Girl Designs. (posted about them before here) I monogrammed them with the girls' initials and loaded them up with sugar goodies. (Again, what was I thinking)! They were a big hit though.

I will say most of the girls were very well behaved. We did have one (isn't there always one?) who caused some problems by going through the other girls' things and Julianne's drawers and such. Of course, she was also the only one who didn't say goodbye or "Thank you" when they left ~ but besides that... all the girls had a great time and I had a great nap on Sunday afternoon!


jbcwriter said...

Wow! You're back with a vengeance! Hooray!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through Lazy Girl Designs and I'll definitely be back. I'm new to the "quilt world" and always ready to read about other's projects...but you also have a unique way of writing about your life that makes things very interesting. Keep it up!

Miss Healthypants said...

Wow, you have some ENERGY, woman! :) I don't know if I could even deal with that many screaming & laughing little girls at once. :)

Melissa Egusa said...

Love your little Maggie bags! Can you please share the name and manufacturer of the font you used. I am trying to do something for our granddaughter and cannot find one as cute! Sew (!) many thanks, Melissa (