So I got the bug to start a new project. It wasn't my fault ~ it's that damn Pinterest. I can't seem to stay off Pinterest. If you know Pinterest, you understand completely. If you have never been there ~ run away.... Run fast.
In any case, the new project is a calendar. Julianne and I have started doing this together. It's kind of like a new art project each month. We use different paint and painting techniques. We use stickers, stuff cut from magazines. We draw using markers. I even used my great nieces bow when she was here. You could use tickets to the movies or just about anything else you can think of. Here's how January's calendar started out...
We try to write something each day and add a little more art work most days. It's not exactly an appointment type calendar but more like what the day was about. The hardest part is remembering to write something in each day. Some days we just draw or scribble. We traced Julianne's hand onto the calendar and for January we all wrote what our goal for 2012 was. Here's how it ended up.
We've just started on February's calendar. We painted the base with water colors... each of us using a different color and then blending them together. We used white stickers for each date block and outlined them in sharpee's. Nate actually lent his fingerprint for this one and I had each of us write something we love. I'm thinking next month it'll be "I'm lucky because..."
In any case it's been a blast working on this with Julianne. I'm hoping we can keep this up throughout the year and maybe for years to come. How great would it be to be able to look back on these, that we've worked on together.
Speaking of calendar's. I did this one for our family. It's a magnetic write on/wipe off board. I used black tape to separate the days and scrapbook letters to put the days of the week on it. I update it regularly so we always know what's going on for the week ahead. The kids are both on block scheduling so I also put whether it's an "A" day or a "B" day. It helps to keep track of which books they need to bring to school.
And while I have a day planner I keep in my purse and calendar's in my computer and iPad but I really prefer something visible. What do you use to keep track of where you have to be and when?
Love those calendars! Especially the family resolutions, etc. At the bottom. Need to work on my January page for our family scrapbook.
I saw those calendars on Pinterest! They are pretty neato :)
I just use my phone for keeping track of everything. Although when I have something big going on I have to write notes on paper.
The calendars are great. I love the idea that you guys are writing and decorating it daily. What great keepsake to look back on 2012.
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