Sunday, May 1, 2011

Two Days Of Fun On The Water

So while we were in Winter Park last weekend for Charlie's birthday we got to really enjoy some time in and on the lake at Jeremy's parents house.

Looks like Charlie is ready to go

Here comes Julz and Sissy Jennifer

They have a great pontoon boat and Jeremy's dad Richard was more than happy to take us for a spin.
This is the boat and boat house seen from the front of their house.

Of course the big attraction for most was the inflatable raft attached with a rope to the boat. Me, I prefer to stay "in" the boat and just enjoy the wind and the sun. On Saturday the boating group included Me, Jen, Julz, Jeremy, Charlie, James (my ex) and his sister Valerie. Oh and let's not forget Captain Richard.

First up on the raft were Jen and Julz. Julz was a little nervous at first but having her big sister with her helped a lot.

Of course as time went on and the boat picked up more speed they really got moving

Here's Jen attempting to stand on the raft.

And here's the result of that attempt ~ Julz on the raft all by herself!

Of course Jen's dad wanted in on the action. Here he is attempting to stand

And here's the best pic of the day ~ Epic Fail!

Charlie and I preferred being on the boat

Hanging out with Daddy

And Mommy

And of course, a little nap.

She did take a dip in the lake but she wasn't crazy about it.

Time to come in for the day

Day 2 crew was Captain Richard, Honey Richard, Jen, Julz, Nate and Me.

Julz still preferred to go with her Sissy rather than riding solo but they got even braver. While this looks like Jen is trying to harm her sister here, she was actually helping her attempt to stand. The end result found them both in the water!

Jen decided it was time for her to make another attempt.  She used Julianne as a balance by holding onto her life vest (nice, right?)

This time she was successful!

They considered it a victory for both of them

Even Richard enjoyed a turn on the raft ~ I think we could both get used to this life!

Of course I have to say, the highlight of the day was Nate's first ride and his backflip dismount:

Another dip in the lake to end the day and the end to an amazing weekend!


jillytacy said...

The lake is beautiful! It looks like you all had a good time! It must have been nice to be back enjoying Florida weather. Great back flip Nate!

Nancy said...

A fun day- you must have all slept well that night! I'm with you... in the boat. FL + fresh water body makes me nervous!

Monnik said...

Oh, that looks like so much fun! I wish it would warm up enough here to get out on the lake. We've got another month before it will be comfortable enough to do that on a regular basis...