It's crazy cold out. Just check out the pic I took yesterday from our bedroom window.
The temps are cold enough but it's the wind that kills ya. Gloves and scarves and jackets are definitely needed. Did I ever tell you how much I hate having to bundle up? Makes me claustrophobic... but better that than a popsicle. My solution is to not go out at all. Not that it works.. so much to do and it all seems to include running here and there and everywhere.
I'm starting to learn my way around ~ but if not for Susie (TomTom) I would have been so lost. She's amazing though. She gets me right where I need to go and even more importantly ~ she gets me home again. We've had our differences, like the time she wanted me to drive though a parking lot to get to the next street. But for the most part, she's a lifesaver.
I have so much to catch up on so when you see stuff like Halloween or Christmas showing up so very late ~ know that I'm just backtracking to catch up on our life in pics and stories the kids can go back and read later.
But in any case, wanted you to know that we are here, we are safe... the house has a zillion problems but once they are addressed, it'll be a decent house for now. The kids are back in school and adjusting beautifully.
More to come soon ~ I promise.

It's gong to be hard to not think of you in FL!!!...and we are all having more than just snow' this year! Looks fab though and I hope you get settled soon and back to sewing...can't wait for the pics, still in holiday mode myself!
Welcome back to winter! Best wishes for happiness in your new home!
I'm glad to here you're finally there and beginning to adjust. Don't worry winter will only last three and a half more months.
Man, I've been out of the loop - I've been really busy and not reading blogs, and here you are moving to my neck of the woods! Welcome to the 'burbs - I'm on the other side of the river, near Gaithersburg, MD. Other than the cold winters, I love it here.
Hope you are enjoying your new digs. Looking forward to hearing more when you have time. We got the snow and below zero wind chills this week, so I feel your pain.
I'm glad you made it safely and are getting settled in. Good luck with everything!
It really doesn't seem right thinking of our Barb surrounded by snow, lol. Your 'mingos must be frozen!! ;)
All the best in your new home. Stay warm! Winter can't last forever.
Ah, and so it begins (the hatred of the cold) we can be Sisters in Snow! *smiles*
Hope all is going well for you more recently, and that you're starting to catch up on stuff. Believe me, I know how it feels to feel like you're so behind on everything! :) I'm just glad I'm finally catching up on reading my favorite blogs. :)
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